IJCRCST is aims to provide better understanding papers and unpublished papers from any other journals, seminars and Conferences. An important reference for the progress the research results that support high-level learning, teaching and research in the fields of computer science and technology. IJCRCST will be rapid publication and open access journal. This international journal is invite papers from researchers, engineers, educators, managers, programmers.
Research articles are invited from many topics,
Ad Hoc & Sensor Network
Ad hoc networks for pervasive communications
Advanced Algorithms
Adaptive applications
Adaptive, autonomic and context-aware computing
Ad-Hoc, Mobile, Wireless Networks and Mobile Computing
Advanced Computing Architectures and New Programming Models
Advanced Numerical Algorithms
Agent-based middleware
Algorithms and Complexity
Algorithms and Implementations
Analysis – Mathematics
Applications in CAGD/CAD, robotics, and computer vision
Artifial Intelligence & Image Recognition
Applications of Computer Science
Authentication/Authorization Issues
Audio Analysis, Modeling, Processing and Transformation
Artificial Intelligence
Autonomic and self-managing middleware
3G/4G Network Evolution
B2B and B2C management
Blue-Tooth Technologies
Brain machine Interface System
Brain Mapping
Broadband and intelligent networks
Broadband wireless technologies
Computer Architecture
Cyber-Science and Cyber-Space
Channel Estimation and Cancellation
Communication Software
Communication Systems Architectures and Protocols
Congestion & flow control
Congestion Management
Cross-layer optimization
Content-Based Image Retrieval
Challenges and solutions for mathematical workflow
Collaboration tools for mathematics
Computational Oriented systems
CDMA/GSM Communication Protocol
Cloud Computing and Applications
Communication architectures for pervasive computing
Complex Systems: Modeling and Simulation
Computational Intelligence, Granular Computing and Soft Computing
Computational Science Aspects of Data Mining, Information Retrieval and Text Mining
Computer and microprocessor-based control
Computer-based information systems in health care
Computing Ethics
Context-awareness and middleware
Cross-layer design and Physical layer based issue
Cryptography and Foundation of Computer Security
Data Base Management Systems (DBMS) & Information Retrieval
Data Compression
Data Fusion
Data Mining
Data Warehousing
Design of Algorithms
Digital Speech Processing
Distributed Computing
Distributed Data Base
Distributed Knowledge-base Systems
Distributed Multimedia System
Data Visualization and Virtual Reality
Digital Image Processing
Digital Economy and Digital Divide
Digital Signal Processing
Distributed Sensor Networks
Embedded Systems & Applications
Environmental Protection
E-Business Applications
Emerging signal processing areas
Energy-efficient and green pervasive computing
Event-based, publish/subscribe, and message-oriented middleware
Evolutionary computing and intelligent systems
Expert approaches
Fuzzy algorithms
Fault Tolerance
Fuzzy logics
Green Computing
Grid Computing
Granular Computing
Genetic Algorithms
GPS and location-based applications
High-speed access networks
Home and SOHO networks
High performance computing
Hardware/Software Co-design and VLSI Support
Healthcare Management Information Technology
Human Centered Transportation System (Special Session)
Human computer Interaction
Hybrid Computational Methods
Internet and distributed computer systems
Internet and Web Applications
IPv6 deployment & migration
Image Clustering
Image Modeling and Editing
Image analysis and processing
Image and Multimedia applications
Intelligent Agents
Intelligent Internet System
Intelligent Learning in Control System
Intelligent Power & Energy System
Interworking architecture and interoperability
IDS/Firewall, Anti-Spam mail, Anti-virus issues
Industrial applications of neural networks
Information and data security
Information systems and applications
Intelligent Control System
Intelligent sensors and actuatorsKnowledge based systems
Knowledge management
Languages and Formal Methods
Location Based Services
Microwaves, Antennas, Propagation
Mobile Computing
Mobile and Wireless Networks
Modelling and Simulation
Management information systems
Medical imaging
Middleware services and agent technologies
Mobile networks and services
Multimedia Databases
Managing Software Projects
Multimedia Communications
Multisensor fusion
Neural Networks
Neuro-Fuzzy and applications
Natural Language Processing
Network management and services
Network Modeling and Simulation
Network Performance; Protocols; Sensors ;Securities
Next Generation Notworking
New Algorithmic Approaches to Computational Kernels
Open Source Technologies
Open Models and Architectures
Operations research
Optical Networks
Parallel Computing
Pattern Recognition
Peer to Peer and Overlay Networks
Perception and semantic interpretation
Performance optimization
Pervasive Computing
PKI(Public Key Infrastructures)
Positioning and tracking technologies
Programming paradigms for pervasive systems
Quality of Service
Quality of Services and Communication Protocol
Real-time systems
Real-time multimedia signal processing
Remote Sensing
RFID and sensor network applications
Scalability of middleware
Scientific and Engineering Computing
Security Systems and Technolgies
Security, Privacy and Trust
Sensor array and multi-channel processing
Sensor fusion
Signal Control System
Signal processing
Smart devices and intelligent environments
Smart home applications
Social Networks and Online Communities
Software Engineering
Software Testing
Search Engines and Information Retrieval
Speech interface; Speech processing
Transportation information
Trust, security and privacy issues in computing systems
Ubiquitous and pervasive applications
Ubiquitous Networks
User interfaces and interaction models
Virtual reality
Vision-based applications
Web Technologies
Web Engineering
Web Mining
Web- and Grid-based Computing and Simulation
Wired/Wireless Sensor Networking
Wireless Security System
Wireless technology
Any other Current research topics in Computer Science and Technologies