The IJCRCST Journal welcomes to submission the manuscripts that meet the general criteria of importance and scientific brilliance. For this purpose we like to request you to give your admirable papers in Computer Sciences and Technologies. The International Journal of Contemporary Research in Computer Science and Technology encourages submission of innovative and which we will be enhance the original articles in all areas of Computing Technologies, Software Engineering, Information Systems, artificial intelligence, Data Mining, Neural Networks Mobile communications, Etc.,
Authors are requested to submit their articles to along with your contact number so that our representative May call you in case of any query.
Submit your paper in the form of Microsoft word(.doc or .docx) and IEEE format style.
The Subject Line Should be : IJCRCST Paper Submission : “Paper Title”
Cover letter should be included along with submission which should include the domain of research to fasten the review process of the manuscript.
Submitting the paper in multiple journals are offence, Don’t waste our valuable time
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Submission Date up to 25th Of Every Month.